Faculty News: New Book by Charles Matz

LIU Brooklyn English Professor Charles Matz's new book, The Joyful Sleepwalkers, came out this past spring and was presented at the Mondolibro bookshop in Belluno, Italy, on August 22, 2014

Here is video from the event.

The presentation, organized by Valentina Reolon, was sponsored by the Casa dei Beni Comuni and the Mondolibro bookshop. Julia Bisinella (an actor from Belluno but now part of the well-known Kairos Italy Theater in New York City theater scene) and Nanni Dorigo performed scenes from the book. The author, Charles Matz, teacher, poet, and performer, worked with Hallam Tennyson at the BBC London, with Norman Mailer in New York, and with Andrea Zanzotto in Italy, among many others. Matz lived for 20 years in Feltre, a small city near Belluno, where he taught at schools and at the University IULM. Matz defines the area as one in which he grew and matured as a writer and performer.


Anonymous said...

Sounds intersting, will there be a presentation in New York as well?

wayne william berninger said...

No word yet. You can ask Professor Matz directly by e-mailing him at Charles.Matz@liu.edu.