First Year Writing Program, Recommended Links

Citation Tic-Tac-Toe -- This is a fun game to use in teaching about citation.

CompPile-- an inventory of publications in writing studies, including post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical writing, ESL, and discourse analysis.

Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) (includes a link to the CCCC journal College Composition and Communication).

Councilof Writing Program Administrators (includes a link to the WPA listserv).

H-Rhetor:Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication -- This listserv is a forum for scholars and teachers of the history of rhetoric, writing, and communication.

MLA Citation Guide -- As we all know from our own academic writing, citation practices are complex. The MLA guide is not always clear on its expectations, but it's useful for students to understand the relationship between in-text and end-of-text citations. They also need to understand how very specific citation guides are so that they can apply this knowledge to their fields of study.

NationalCouncil of Teachers of English (NCTE) -- Also includes links to the following NCTE journals: College EnglishResearch in the Teaching of EnglishTeaching English in the Two-Year CollegeEnglish Education, & others).

Plagiarism Definitions and Exercises -- Plagiarism is notoriously difficult to define. While there are some blatant examples of plagiarism, there are many subtler forms. As with our other topics, the easiest way for you to address these questions with your students is to make sure you have a shared understanding of what plagiarism is before you encounter any problems. Here are some resources that you might find useful.

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
 -- This site has everything you need -- definitions, clear explanations, and exercises.

SilvaRhetoricae (Brigham Young University) -- This site contains definitions of rhetorical appeals and rhetorical figures. It's easy to get lost in this forest of rhetoric.

UNCChapel Hill Writing Center Website -- This is a very comprehensive site. The videos in the "Handouts" section might provide very useful reference points for your students. This website also has some very good citation tutorials.

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