One day fiction workshop with Idra Novey!

Idra Novey is coming to LIU Brooklyn on Saturday, April 6 for a one day master class fiction workshop! This workshop is open to the public.

Please see the flier for all pertinent details.

You can RSVP by sending an email to

Chia-Lun Chang awarded Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship

Congratulations are in order to MFA alum, Chia-Lun Chang (2014), one of ten literature fellows selected for the inaugural Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, a two year program supporting fellows in "the creation of new work, research, travel, development of new skills and/or other needs directly related to artistic and career development as defined by the Fellow."

You can read Chia-Lun's bio and artist statement here.

Special recognition was given to Naomi Jackson, named a finalist for her outstanding application. Jackson visited LIU in November 2018 and led a one day master class fiction workshop.

Congratulations, Chia-Lun and Naomi!